"i cant be tameeed, i cant be changeeed, i cant be saveeeed" is pretty much the basis for the entire song if you havent hear dit yet. but oh. my. god. the music video. like seriously is she tryring to be a Brittney spears clone? as well as lady gaga, and ke$ha at the same time. blahh that song could make glass break. it hurts my ears to just listen to it. as you can probably tell I'm not exactly the biggest "Miley Cyrus" fan in the world. but i wouldn't say i hate her either, honestly i dont feel the need to hate her, i don't care about her enough, and i don't know her in real life. so who am i to judge her personality. but when it comes to her image. yess i greatly dislike that.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Lost and Insecure.... you found me.
"i cant be tameeed, i cant be changeeed, i cant be saveeeed" is pretty much the basis for the entire song if you havent hear dit yet. but oh. my. god. the music video. like seriously is she tryring to be a Brittney spears clone? as well as lady gaga, and ke$ha at the same time. blahh that song could make glass break. it hurts my ears to just listen to it. as you can probably tell I'm not exactly the biggest "Miley Cyrus" fan in the world. but i wouldn't say i hate her either, honestly i dont feel the need to hate her, i don't care about her enough, and i don't know her in real life. so who am i to judge her personality. but when it comes to her image. yess i greatly dislike that.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Chocolate Cake && Summer(:
Hey girlfrienddd(:
Whats up? Ohh that’s great! Yeah im good, havent talked to you in foreverrr!
Picture of the day: just a picture of the most epic chocolate cake ever(: lol me and my friend shared it and it was amazinggg. we had it when we were in the mountains last weekend(:
Quote of the day:
"There will always be a "lie" in be(lie)ve
an “over” in l(over) an
“end” in fri(end)s
an “us” in tr(us)t
and an “if” in l(if)e,
but thats what makes it life."
Mood: Tired, Upset, confused, all around just blahhhh.
Started Thursday May 6th 2010(: forgot time sorry. it was like right before i went to bed.
Blahhh well that was annoying. Haha I'm bored if you cant tell already… you probably can. But you know whatever. So I don’t feel like making this a normal post idk why, I think im just to lazy at the moment, but I might come back in later and make it fit my normal format… maybe. So yeah anyways a million of things have happened to me since the last time I posted, I don’t even know what to say, I mean most of it was just normal I guess, but there were some out of the ordinary points to my life too.
So ummm I finished EXAMS!!! And now I only have 13 days of actual school left I believe. Not including state testing, or the last week of school where we do random things(: lol but yeah pretty excited!!! ALMOST SUMMER! I can feel it coming closer, and the pool opens this month…gahh I want summer sooo bad. Summer 10' has to be amazing, it just has to be(: I can just feel that it'll be different than every other summer(: I just bought a few new swimsuits the other day, and now there like haunting me, because i cant use them. blahhh like some people i know's pools opened today, but of course, mine doesnt open until the end of the month... which sucks.
Anyway last weekend I went to the mountains for my friends birthday which was amazingg(: it was six of us, and it was just good because all the stress of exams was over, we didn’t have homework, so we could just have fun and not worry about things(: which I desperately needed! We went to a spa and stuff at her mountain house. Took a million pictures of course(: we went to diner and acted completely stupid, it was like this super nice restaurant, and we all ordered kids meals and colored Winny the poo coloring sheets at the table(: haha oh how I love being 15(: im just soo mature.
Its crazy to think that freshman year's almost over, about a month, and then its gone. Idk maybe its just me, but lately life just seems like its going by really fast. I don’t know if I like it either. I'm one of those people who tries to live in the moment but its like one second I'm thinking about the future and the next, it is the future and then next. Everything I was looking forward to, or dreading is already over. Which I guess just kinda scares me in a way. Like soon enough I'm gonna be going to college. Maybe it’s just me to, but that seems like the scariest thing right now. But I guess I felt the same way about high school too, before I got here. Gosh I'm rambling on a lot.
Anyways we went to the mountains and then came back Sunday, I caught up on V and Glee (my favorite TV shows of the moment) and then Monday it was back to school, we really haven't done all that much this week in school, even though we have a few tests coming up. I got my grades back from exams today, and there mostly fine. None of my grades changed to much, and I have all A's and B's, well except French, but yeah that’s another story, its only a C, but honestly I don’t even know how to put into words how much I hate that class. Its like death for me. I would love to learn a new language, I feel like knowledge is power. So its something I really want to do. But for me, it just doesn’t come easily at all.
Well now its Saturday and im not really going anything today(: just sitting here deciding if I should make a vlog or not, listening to miley cyruses new song "I cant be tamed" my god… I don’t even know what to sya about that song to be honest. Like trying to be brittney spears much? Anyways not a lot fo exciting stuff has happened to me lately. I found an amazinggg new frozen yogurt place(: gosh im like in loveee with it, you don’t even understand its soooo good(: ohh and I just got a Mitchel Davis shirt that I ordered online last week(: gahhh I freaking lovee it(: so cool, I wore it to school yesterday, and its kind aon the big side but its still amazing(: if you don’t know who Mitchel Davis is shame on you, but he's this guy on youtube that im in lovee with(: look him up ( www.youtube.com/livelavalive ) he's pretty hilarious(:
I don’t really have much to say, not doing anything this weekend, im still tired from last weekend, and idk I just kinda want to stay home if that makes any sense, which it probably doesn’t, idk sometimes I just don’t feel like hanging out with friends though to be honest. My mom's making us clean and crap this weekend though which suckss): but tomorrows mothers day so I should probably actually listen to her…
Goshh, this is getting really long… I need to update more, so I think im gonna go now(: promise to update soon, this whole not updating thing is really starting to annoy me, but I've been studying for exams, and doing homework, and going out of town, and making more youtube videos lately(: so those are my only little excuses.
Finished Saturday May 8th 2010. 2:28pm
(yeah i stopped in the middle and forgot to finish...haha)
Mood when finished: Tired, Blahhh, not happy not sad, just inbetween.\
Peace out girl scout(:
Friday, April 30, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Well its kinda been a while...
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Once upon a time..
(okkk so i started this a longgg time ago, and then never finished so im just gonna post what i had right now, and then make a new post)
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Jordan, and she created a blog(: and at first she posted all the time, and then she got wayyyy to lazyyy and she barely posted anymore........ yeah thats pretty much the story of my life, i honestly don't even know why i never get on here anymore, but i promise i'll try harder(:
so to the normal stuff now I guess....
Quotes of the day:
"The only guy who deserves you is the one who thinks he doesn't"
"I'm through with these people, and i want new ones"
-the perfect man
"So if your from Africa why are you white?"
"Oh my gos Karen you cant just ask people why there white!"
-Mean Girls
"I wish we could all just get along like we did in middle school... i wish i could bake a cake full of rainbows and smiles, and everyone would eat and be happy...."
"She doesn't even go here!"
"do you go here?"
"no i just have a lot of feelings...."
-Mean girls
"It's like I have ESPN or something, a 5th sense! I can always tell when its going to rain.... well when already its raining!"
-Mean girls
"Where Cady?"
"she went out"
"She's grounded?!?!"
"are they not allowed out when there grounded?"
-mean girls
[[ haha sorry about all the mean girls quotes, but I really want to see that movie right now, I swear its the best quotable movie on the planet, that and the hangover! haha(: ]]
Mood at beginning of blog: relieved, Tired, Calm, Excited, Bored.
Started Thursday March 18th 2010, at 5:22pm
sooooooo.... life! life, life life, life's been good lately i guess, i don't even remember the last time i blogged, I think I was in detention? haha ohh detention, its actually want even that bad, all i did was homework.
Sooooooooo... i have no idea what to say today....
want your bad romance?
haha ummm yeah that was random, but anyways i kinda love that song! pretty shamazing if you ask me, just saying(: haha but yeah anyways new obsessions? Lady Gaga, and Ke$ha, I listen to there music like 24/7 these days, don't even ask, its just something I do. haha
soooooooooo...... so what I am a rockstar, i got my rock moves, and i dont need you guess what, im having more fun, and now that were done, I'm gonna show you tonight! its all right! this is life! and i fool so guess what.....
blahhh that was even more random, but whenever people are like "sooo..." that's what pops into my head. haha my music teacher last year, loveddd that song! loved her, but now I'm at a new school):
okkk so back onto topic, did i ever have a topic? im pretty sure i didn't now that i think about it... but oh well i guess I'll talk about my life lately, and then a summery of all my classes today(: thats usually what i do. so i'll stick with that at least for now(:
Monday, March 8, 2010
Holla Amigos/Amigas (is that the right word for girls? or is it all the same? haha but anyways somehow i forgot to say my random hello, in a language of the day in my last blog, how dare I? haha but yeah i haven't forgot about it)
Picture of the day:
So the first thing I need to deal with would be my picture of the day (obviously this is a new section of my blog haha but yeah anyways just go along with it) which says "find your passion" what is passion exactly? what are my passions, I guess I have a lot so today I'm just going to make a list of what my passions/obsessions are at the moment(: (obsessions just because i want too. lol)
-Youtube Vidoes
-My family
-attempting at making decent youtube vidoes(: haha
-oh got sooo much more.... but i'll stop now!
umm obviously this list was in no real order(: haha
but i hope you enjoyed the picture at the beginning, I'm gonna start putting a picture that inspired me at the beginning of each post(: with some kind of questions that goes along with it.
Quotes of the day:
"You know the buddy system is VERY affective" (ummm yeah me and my friend trying to get out of class for a minuet(: haha)
"are you new, or am i just stupid?" (so the other day we got a new kid, and of course me being me, I had to stay something completely dumb, that would freak him out when i first met him. haha)
"i swear my life's like a sitcom, the stupidest things happen to me" -me
"agreed" -(hmmm i dont think ive named her before but anyways how about, "ShiftGirl" (no not the bad word) and SG for short, yess this makes NO SENSE to you, but it makes a lot to me, and she happens to be on of my closest friends haha)
"I'm thinkin these nerd glasses look pretty Snazzy" (haha at the mall last weekend i bought some nerd glasses for fun)
"a panda = a Chinese gorilla" (umm yeah inside joke, i cant even explain. haha)
"sometimes dreams become so real, you forget your dreaming--
--the strongest of dreams are the ones that become reality"
(umm yeah i wanted to throw in something semi-intelligent(: haha)
(sorry lots of quotes of the day, haha)
Mood at beginning of blog: Annoyed, Tired, Bored
Started Monday March 8th 2010, 4:10pm
So I'm sitting here in detention and I decided I should blog.
i know your asking, "why exactly are you in detention?" umm basically because my school is stupid and if your late to school three times you get an after school detention. So here I am, awkwardly sitting in a small room with one other guy, doing my homework, and now blogging. looking out the window, wishing my life wasn't so much like a sitcom, and stupid stuff didn't happen to me quite as often. but no, this is my life, and i guess i have to deal with that.
so today what happened today, gosh well maybe I should start with last weekend, considering its a Monday as we speak, unless you happen to be reading this on a day that's not Monday, which I guess would mean your reading this on (insert days name) hopefully enjoying it, even though I'm a pretty boring person, and i doubt anyone's actually read this far, but oh well, this if for me I suppose.
Last weekend, what happened last weekend, well friday night, i did drum roll please..... absolutely nothing! yeah I know I'm cool, but i was sick on Friday, and i didn't go to school, and I was supposed to see my friend in a play but of course that didn't happen knowing my life and how sit-com'ish it is. (yes if you wernt paying attention to the quotes of the day then you wouldn't know that my life's like a sit-come, but yeah that pretty much defines my life, a stupid Sit-Com) So Saturday... Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, (I kinda like that word if you couldn't tell) Saturday was pretty amazing to be honest, i mean nothing CRAZY good happened, but it was nice, it was nice and warm for a change, and I hung out with one of my really friends I haven't seen in a longg time. what should i name her, ummmm TennisGal, or TG for short, thats kinda random but she plays a lot of tennis... so yeah TG and i went to the mall and I bought some pretty snazzy looking glasses, and i saw a BUNCH of people that i knew which was cool i guess. blahh the weirdest things happened to me at the Apple store.
so you know hwo when you go to the apple store people get onto facebook and stuff? (well you might not but just go along, haha) well anyways me and my friend, might name her later but I'm to lazy right now.) we saw that someone had left there facebook open and we got excited that we could write a status on it saying "forgot to log out of facebook, aren't they cool!" (yeah i know weird just go with it) but anyways after we did that, we get a chat form someone on her account saying "right next to you smarties" and we look to the next computer over, and there they are, staring at us laughing, IT WAS SO EMBARRASSING! haha it was awful and what was worse was that while we were doing it my other friend goes, "you know there probably like here someplace" but yeah anyways that was my awkward moment of the weekend. haha
haha so other than that, not much happened to me, Sunday i just stayed home and did homework, considering i slept until 3 in the afternoon, which is pretty embarrassing to be honest, no clue why i slept that long, i mean i went to bed late, but i've never woken up THAT late before.
re-started at 9:56pm
haha sorry I got out of detention early, and then I came home watched youtube, finished my homework, attempted to make a youtube video, and then remembered I'm not funny (haha), and now I'm back so lets start back where i left off...
Sunday... pretty much i did nothing all day until like hmmm 8ish, when i started studying for this BIG history test, umm yeah i was up until lets see, one'ish studying for that. umm yeah sadly that happens to me a lot, plus i had to make a cheat sheet too!
blahhh and then Monday, today. not much just school i guess I'll go by period. haha this blog is gonna be long... sorry about that! haha but I'm in a writing mood right now, which never happens so I think I'm gonna take advantage of it(:
First- Ummm this was french, i don't have any friends and i pretty much just sat at the back of the class, and txted people. haha and tried to avoid her asking me questions. which actually worked today.
Second- HISTORY! haha umm I actually don't hate this class, but today i had to take that exam i was talking about since i was sick Friday. but anyways I went to the library to take the test, while everyone else was correcting there tests, and only two of us missed it in my class, but of course this had to be hmm lets name her EmoWeirdGirl (EWG) i know this might sound a little harsh, but honestly you dont know her, and im a nice person, i wouldn't be mean to her to her face, but shes weird, and she was talking to me the ENTIRE time I took the test. like i couldnt focus, sorry but I was actually trying to pass it, SHE LITERALLY GUESSED ON THE ENTIRE THING! and dudnt even answer the short answer, note- he gave us the answer in class, and let us bring in a piece of paper with us, its basically an automatic A part of the test, but anyways I'm talking to much about this class. haha
Third- English.... blahhhh i hate this class, if you've read my blogs before you know why, but anyways we didnt do much, just answered these questions in groups, it was easy, so yeah weirdly enough it wasn't bad today.
Fourth- Algebra, hmmmm umm we basically didn't even learn anything, haha everyone just basically asked questions on the homework the entire class, which was kinda stupid, and kinda great, stupid because the work was really easy, and they actually didn't get it, great because they wasted the entire class(: lol
Fifth- Science, Ummm basically I freaking love this class! haha its amazing end of story. umm we learned this new stuff, but it was crazy easyy, and then we have a test on Wednesday, but pretty much it'll be easy. lol LOVE the teacher, I'm following him on twitter (its not creepy... haha) but anyways yeah favorite teacher on the planet.
Lunch- blahh well my one of my best friend has Salmonella poisoning, so she wasn't there, but but i had lunch with these three other girls, i have lunch with them a lot actually, but anyways it was good one of them's really really funny (I don't feel like naming them right now, haha) we listened to music all of lunch and danced and stuff, it was great(: lol
Sixth- Health, ummm we watched a movie on racism, that was about it. haha it was okk, blahh just normal. the intern guy was there today, but he didn't really do anything. haha
Seventh- Study Hall, umm I had to take a test for health that i didn't take Friday, it was fine i guess, and then me and a friend went to the library for a minute because we didn't feel like being in class. haha 'you know the buddy system is VERY affective" i told that to the teacher, and this like senior was like laughing at us. it was great.
blahhh anyways sorry about this AMAZINGLY long blog, but as i said, I'm just in a writing mood for some reason. and im watching this weird movie, idk what its called but yeah anyways its weird. haha but yeah im gonna go now... I've written wayyy to much, gosh to many sections in this one... i'll make the next one shorter I promise(:
finished Monday March 8th 2010 at 11:26
Mood at end of blog: Tired, lazy, bored, annoyed, confused.
a girl you've never really know.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
The Hangover(:
So im calling right now "blogging time" (haha dont ask)
Quotes of the day:
-- "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot" -unknown
-- "sometimes dreams become so real, your forget your dreaming, -- the strongest dreams are those that become reality" -unknown
-- "In three words i can sum up everything I've learned about life; it goes on" -unknown
-- "The best and most beautiful things in the world, cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt wit the heart" -Helen Keller
Mood: fine, not happy but not sad, just okk.
Started at 6:43pm, Saturday February 17th 2010
Sooo... I havent blogged in a while, and theres a few reasons why so i'll state them now.
1. i tried to publish a blog a while ago saying how i was changing my blog and it wouldn't publish, and i tried fixing it a million times, and it still wouldn't work.
2. I've been to lazyy.
3. I've been really really busy.
4. school has been killing me. no joke.
so basically im REALLY sorry that i haven't updated): i feel awful, but anyways before i start my official blog, I'm gonna go over the things that I'm changing in this Blog, because I've decided to change up a few things.
1. Im no longer going to be saying peoples actual names, I'm just gonna think of nicknames kind of, to call people that i'll refer to them as, whenever i need to talk about someone, but i feel like this will be safer for me, so that I can really open up on here i guess. I'll also be going back into prior blogs and changing the people to nicknames.
2. I'll be starting every blog off with a quote of the day, and the mood I'm in at the time.
3. I'll be going to start saying the time i started the blog, and then when finished it.
okk so those are the main changes, if i think of anything else, I'll add it.
okk now for my actual blog, I cant even think og the last time I blogged but basically to catch you up, it snowed a LOT, and I hate snow, so we didn't have school for a while, I've hung out with a bunch of friends, gone to a few basketball games at my school(: had a spongebob part with a few friends, my friend got a fake baby for school (yeah like in the movies haha) and we took that to a basketball game and the mall, oh gosh you have NO IDEA! how many weird stares we got, like it would cry and stuff too, but it was hilarious, and we took pictures and stuff with it! ummm hmm what else, ohh and i discoverer youtube(: i mean of course I've been on youtube before, but I'm like addicted to it now, i found some amazing vloggers and stuff on there, and i actually started my own Vlog on there which is cool, but I'm still trying to learn how to edit videos and stuff, which is fun(:
but anywayss now to this past week, school seemed like it lasted foreverr, like on Wednesday i completely 100% thought it was friday, which sucked, i have all this english homework (I HATE ENGLISH) i always just feel overwhelmed with it, its my worst class, a few weeks ago i was literally failing, like i had a 59, but then i brought it up to an 81 in like two days somehow, but now it just dropped to a 79, which just makes me feel like everything's getting worse again, i had all A's and B's for a minute an dnow its slipping again. which sucks. anyways enough about that....
so to this weekend, on Thursday I went to the last basketball game of the season, and it was funn I guess, but the seniors were yelling at us to cheer louder, haha but anyways, it was funn(: and then yesterday was amazing(: my mom randomly decided to take me and my sister shopping which was great! we went to the mall, and i got smoothies at this amazinggg smoothies shop(: and then i bought new earrings at this nice little boutique thing. i LOVE them, and then we went to Bath&body works, and i got new soap and lotion(: haha and then we went to Macys, I love macy's because they always have some kind of sale on amazing things! lol but anyways my sister got some stuff and then i went and got a black short little skirt, a hot pink tank, a black long sleeve cardigan, a plaid red checkerd shirt, i cant explain it, but its really cute(: lol and then we were about to leave but i found this amazingg jacket that i LOVE, and it was only $20 (originally $90) and i just hadd to have it. haha and i know none of this sounds like a lot, but i spent like over a hundred dollars by myself, and my mom and sister got stuff too, and this was all just randomly, haha anyways it made me happy(: very very happy.
and then that night we got Chinese food(: which was amazing! blahh and then today is Saturday, and i didnt really do muh, just stayed home, i could of done a few things, i almost went to the movies with some friends, and i could fo gone to a birthday party, but i just really didnt feel like it. and now im sititng here, watching the hangover(:
blahhhhhhh I'm not exactly happy though, like five minutes ago a lot of crap happened between my parents, and they were yelling and stuff, and it was awful, like i started sobbing, and i still kinda am. it was awful, and im not gonna go into detail, but sometimes i just feel like i would rather them just get divorced than have to deal with this crap all the time, i hate my other so much, and I'm usually one of those people who doesn't say that, but honestly she causes so much drama in my life, and I'm sick of it, five minutes ago I de-added he on facebook, and when she realizes it shes gonna kill me, but i really don't care at the moment, I'm done with her, and I'm done with all this shit (excuse my french) but yeah I'm gonna stop talking now, because i don't feel like making a sad, or whatever blog.
but anyways. im gonna try to blog more often now, and I know this one is really really really long, and I'm sorry about that. (haha the hangovers really really funny, sorry random but if you haven't seen it, WATCH IT NOW) but anyways, i love you guys(: and i promise to blog again soon!
Mood at end of blog: Sad, Confused, Tired.
Ended at 8:08pm, Saturday February 27th
That Awkward girl(:
Monday, January 25, 2010
that's German for Hello, if you didn't know. Haha hmm so this weekend, this weekend was good. long but good. but I think I'll give you a breakdown of everything as you know last week was spirit week, and what comes after spirit week? HOMECOMING! oh yess, haha so we'll be talking about homecoming weekend in this blog wont we you ask? why yess we will(: Haha
So Friday, Friday was good, had school like always which was fine, except for an English quiz, that I like 100% failed. umm yeah not fun. haha but anyways we had the pep rally, which was great we have this guys contest where the battle it out doing stupid things, umm yeah I taped it, and it kinda made my life! haha just saying... it was interesting! to say the least but anyways....
The actual game was that night, it was great went with two friends, haha sorry i say once again, no names on here, which was funnn! Haha we won in overtime and this one guy, not gonna name any names saved the game…. Gahh I kinda love him, but not. Haha I've only met him once, and yeah anyways maybe talk about him later…. Maybe!
So Saturday, well It was the day of the homecoming dance, I like kept changing my mind as to if I was gonna go, since I didn’t have a date)= but yeah and I didn’t have a dress I wanted to wear, but I went anyways(= it was fun but I had to wear a dress repeat which sucked… but yeah I went to my friends house, and we took the staircase pictures and everything which was nice, and then we went to dinner. I freakin loved the restaurant to be honest! We went to this Asian cuisine place and it was amazing, I want to go back really badly! Haha but it was weird because like my whole school went to the same restaurant, like literally. Basically my whole grade except for two groups of people, a lot of sophomores were there, I went with a mostly sophomore group actually though(= and then like the ENTIRE basketball team was there, with there dates and some seniors. Gahh it was awkward. Haha
But anyways then we went to the dance, and it was fun I guess. It wasn’t bad, just not great. It was my first High school dance , since I missed the first one because I was sick): that sucked!But oh well it happens. And this one was funn! And then after the dance my friend brought me home.
Okk and then Sunday I didn’t get up until like 1ish because I was soo tired from Saturday and Sunday. Haha and I just stayed home and chilled and then I did my homework but not until like really late because I'm like a major procrastinator, its really getting to be a problem to honest! Haha
Okk and then now its Monday, and I had school like always it was good, nothing weird happened, I started hanging out with some new people lately though(: idk when I first came to the school I was friends with some people, and they kinda brainwashed me into thinking everyone was evil, so I didn’t have that many friends, but now I realize that the girls actually really annoying and excuse my French but a major sl.ut which is annoying, but I'm not gonna get into that now. Maybe another day. Haha but yeah now I'm still friends with her kinda, but I'm friends with other people to which is a lot more healthy! Haha anyways sorry random chatter, but today was normal, nothing exciting happened, just some funny moments that I don’t feel like explaining right now. Sorry. Lol
But yeah now I'm about to leave my house to go see a play at my school with a few people(: which should be fun. Lol but yeah a lot of stuff coming up this week, my old schools homecoming is coming up!!! So I'm going to that with one of my best friends from my old school on Friday, and maybe sleeping over, maybe. Idk yet. Haha and then Saturday I think I'm gonna hang out with this guy, I haven't seen him in foreverrr! Miss him! Haha he's really cool. Just a friend though(= and then Sunday I might see a movie with one friends, or just go to my other friends house. Idk yet. Lots of un-sure right now. But I'll figure it out. Haha
kay well sorry this has been a really really really long blog, its because I don’t post enough): I know I'm sorry for that. Haha well I'll try to update tomorrow, or again tonight if something exciting happens. Even though it probably wont!
a girl, living in this worl.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
This is real, this me(=
Soo I'm trying to have a cool intro into all my blogs, but I'm running out of stuff to say, so anyways I decided to be Australian today, don't really know why, my mind just thought of Australian when I started typing this. who would of thought. and the title has no significance, i was just thinking of that song by Demi Lovato when i started this. haha im cool.
Well This week, this week's been good for the most part, no school monday for MLK day, which was good, then this week was Spirit week at my school! oh yeahh. haha pretty exciting stuff, except not really. so Tuesday was pajama day, (but on facebook it was also wear red for Haiti day) so me being me I wore bright red Pajamas pants, and a pink snuggie, yeah I said a SNUGGIE! it was hot, maybe I should show you guys some pictures later, haha i'll think about it while I write. but yess Tuesday was funn, got to just lay back, andd I toured this girl that wants to come to my school next year, even though it was awkward considering everyone was in there pajamas. haha but yeah cant really remember anything great about my classes except that in Health we took like a million pictures with the babies and stuff, and put them on facebook, that was fun(= haha the guys in that class are really funny.
okk so Wednesday. Wednesday was good, it was High School stereotypes day, which was quite funn. I was a nerd being myself, haha I bought my outfit at walmart the night before and I swear the lady that works there thought I was crazy! like legit crazy. haha but it was fun, I was one pretty smexy nerd if you ask me (well actually i was one dorky nerd, but same diff). haha and of course I took lots and lots of pictures(= but thats just what i do. taking pictures is my life(=
andd not its Wednesday, and it was good today was Decades day, and I actually didn't dress up, i was going to but i never really decided what i wanted to be, and i never got a costume, so yeah it didn't work out but whatever today was good I'll do a break down of all my classes now. idk why I'm just bored. haha
1st: Healthhhh(= haha well we pretty much watched a movie and took notes on it, not to much funn today sadly. haha good memories in that class though(=
2nd: Studyy Hall, mostly just scrambled trying to finish my note cards for English that I hadn't done. haha, that's pretty much what I always do though. i hate english btw. lol hmm well it wasnt that weird today actually in this class, because this one guy had homework, so he didn't pick on me (not like mean just, haha cant explain it) but yeah like the other day we fought over this chair for like half the class, and he stole my backpack, and i stole his and it was this whole big thing. haha the teacher laughed at us.
3rd: French, gahh i hate my french class. nothing happened, it was boring, as always!
4th: Historyyy, hmm out teacher was sick so we had a subb, and all we did was make groups and then start a project, that we didnt know how to do because he wasnt there.... im with my friend (not gonna say names) and this guy, it wasn't bad but the guys just really IMMATURE to be honest, he wasn't bad today though, but I'm pretty sure this other girl is pissed at me because im not in her group even though she asked like three times, but idk i don't really like her to be honest.... which i know sounds mean, but yeah.. shes really weird, and i wasnt gonna get a hgood grade with her.
5th: English, once again i hate English, we just reviewed for a quiz tomorrow, i was in a group with this girl, it was ok i guess...
Lunch: haha it was funn, hungg out with two of my really good friends! and some other people, we ate in this teachers room, it wasnt bad. but the rain made lunch not as fun, like me and one of them walked around in it for like everr. haha and i bought ice-cream even tough i wasn't hungry, don't ask, i just like ice-cream when its cold ok. haha
6th: mathhh, hmm not much were not allowed to talk in there, so nothing really happened, just learned some stuff i guess. haha
7th: Sciencee, i actually love science but i was LOOPY in that class today like this one girl thought i was CRAZY, and me and another girl talked for a lot of it, and we did a lab, but we had subb which was sad cause that's my favorite teachers class. haha he's really funny, like old and weird but funny! love that class, but i was literally out of my mind even this weird guy who's like crazy (but funny crazy) thought i was out of my mind, i started talking about wanting to do a cartwheel, and a somersault like out of the blew. haha
andd then school was overr, and now I'm home trying to figure out what to wear for school colors day, I'm still thinking about it, haha but tomorrows the pep rally which should be good(= kinda sad I'm not a cheerleader anymore, but not really. haha that's a long story. very long. maybe ill tell you another day. maybe not. haha
ohh gosh. i feel like my blogs are getting longer, and longer, these days. Sorry about that. I know it's probably quite annoying. you can be honest on that one. haha but anyways i hope you enjoyed this blog, i'll try to blog tomorrow after the game, thank god its Friday (ughh when i first typed that i wrote "firday" that always happend idk why) , and I'm still deciding if 'm going to the dance on Saturday... undecided at the moment because i don't have a date or dress, but maybe. I'll prob decided tomorrow. well g2g finish up my homework.
That girl, who may or may not be who you think she is.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Wait i dont get it?
How are you today ladies and gents, well me, me I'm a lot of things at the moment, not mad. not sad. not happy. just me. I'm thinking that's probably a good thing. So I feel simply awful that I haven't posted in a while (like a week) but I've been busy. Busy, busy me I guess. haha so are you ready for a summery of the last week? well I shall give you one now. haha
okk so monday, hmm it was soo long ago now don't even really remember it anymore, haha but well nothing really happened that I can think of off the top of my head, this weeks been a daze, idk I've just been sooo tired and I have no idea why. It's weird, like even if I do go to bed on time, I'm still exhausted in the morning. which sucks big time. like if you asked my friends about the last week they'd all be like, "Yeah that girls been really out of it lately" so I guess i'll just talk about Friday because I still remember it. haha
So Friday interesting day wolk up (tired as always) wore a tie dye shirt, haha random fact but I kinda love tie-dye things(= they make me happy. but anyways school, school was good, Science was great, we did a lab again (I love labs) but yeah I was kinda loopy, haha I'm always loopy in scienceon Fridays. I'm pretty sure my friend thought I was completely out of my mind. haha so then I had Algebra, gahh I hate algebra with a burning passion, not because it's hard, because I'm actually good at it. just because she gives all this stupid homework, and its like all the problems are supper easy, but it still takes forever to do, we had 40 problems the other and i wanted to scream. okk end of rant. haha
So then I had English not much happened, I got a quiz back didn't do to great (I hate grammar btw) but yeah its OK, I still have like a high B in that class, even though I hate English, and I'm bad at it. haha so next was History, oh goshh stupidest thing happend EVERR, so this guy, like tapped me on the shoulder and asked me if 15 was an odd number, he was COMPLETLY serious, were in 9th grade, how do you pass like 1st grade without knowing that. haha I was like yess it is, and he was like "but wait 5 goes into so it cant be" and i was like "that's a prime number, i cant even explain this" and he was like i just don't get it (which is where the title to this blog comes from) and then he ended up asking me if 9, 13, and 11 were odd numbers. haha I feel for him. but like what in the world. haha
so yeah after that i just had French, where we did a worksheet, Study hall where I did my homework, and then Health, where I had a test, that I'm kinda convinced I failed, like i knew most of the stuff but I'm scared, haha it was the CPR test and if I don't get more than like an 80, I pretty much fail the entire semester of Health. so I'm kinda freaked out about that.
hmm so yeah that was the school day, and then I came home, wanted to go ice-skating with my friend, but of course my parents wouldn't let me, so I stayed home watched a movie and took pictures with my sister(= it wasn't awful, but I didn't really want to stay home, guess I'll get over it though.
and now its saturday, nothing really happened today, parents hate me, wont let me do anything for no good reason, like I really don't know why, I really wanted to go see the Blind Side, but nope parents said no, so I stayed home all day. been watching the Disney Chanel. haha I'm cool. but im kinda addicted to it. don't ask. i just am. haha but yeah not much else to say, no school Monday, and then tuesday starts spirit week, its pajama day!!! but its gonna be awkward because this girl I don't know is shadowing me on Tuesday (which just means following me around, to see if she likes the school), and I'm gonna be wearing like red footie pajamas (red in honor of Haiti wear red Tuesday everyone!!!), haha but it should be funn, but anyways im helping to start a Haiti fundraiser at my school, we started a club in honer of it, so i think everyone should donate what they can please, they honestly have nothing right now, and its the right thing to do. haha okk end of info-mercial. sorry.
but yeah so i think i promised a picture in my next blog, but this ones already REALLY long, so i promise i will next blog which i'll do like tomorrow or Monday, promise(= well love you all, soryr about this REALLY RALLY long post, but i hadn't updated in foreverrr.
Just me.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Bonjour, Mademoiselle... How do you do?
Soo... today! gahh not a good day for me, I'm sitting I'm my room now, trying to not be in such a bad mood but its not working at the moment, so I cant exactly promise you that this is gonna be a good blog. but i thought i should post an actual one, and i don't have anything better to do at the moment.
gahhh but hmm lets start with Friday, so I went to school like normal, um it wasn't bad, but we had to learn about CPR and stuff in health which was pretty much awkward, we had to give mouth to mouth to these manikins, with everyone watching us, and of course I have like the MOST immature guys in my class. so yeah that was just great, not much else happened at school that day, it was pretty much normal, haha
okk then Friday night my parents decided they were gonna move the rest of our stuff form our old house to our new house so they dumped me and my sister off at my friends house for the weekend which is where I just got back from, gahhh it was just annoying because there like health food people, who do yoga all the time and stuff, and I love My firend, shes one of my best friends since I was like 4, but I'm really picky so I barely ate anything while I was there, and then they'd make me do yoga. which kinda sucked but whatever. we made cookies and stuff and it was fun for the most part, idk the only part that really annoyed me was that, my friends mom's boyfriends kids where there (sounds confusing but its not) and yeah they were little and loud and annoying, and i ended up having to babysit sometimes for the 2 year old, and it was just tiring, i LOVE kids, idk i just wasn't in the mood i guess.
So Saturday.... hmm I woke up at like 10:00 had breakfast and then I went to an audition for this camp that i REALLY want to go to, its a drama camp in new york that's audition only, and they came to my town to hold auditions and i really want to go this summer, so hopefully I'll get in to that, but i wont know for a week, like a bunch of my friends are trying to go and it wold be amazing if i could go with all of them. but yeahh as i just said i wont know for a week, and then if i get in i have to make my parents pay for it, because its really expensive sadly. but i think i can get around that.
okk now today (Sunday) so i woke up and my friend had like already left, to go to this church thing with her friend Nikki, which kinda pissed me off, but whatever so i played on my computer and on Wii for a couple hours until they took me home an that's where i am now. idk i didn't mind being there, but I'm just one of those people that gets sick of people easily and i cant spend all my time with the same people for too long, or i get annoyed even if i love the people.
but yeah ok the reason im pissed off right now, is because my laptop just like broke, like two of the keys fell off randomly, and idk if its still under warranty, and i DONT want to pay for a new key-bored, at all! and its like hard to type now, which makes me mad. gahh yeah a stupid reason, i know. its other stuff too, but i don't feel like explaining right now. maybe another day. and another blog post. but idk im already not in a good mood, and i dont want to do my stupid english homework even though its like almost midnight and its due tomorrow. so yeah i should probably sign off now considering i've barely started my english, and i should of finished it like the other day.
gahhh okk well i hope you enjoyed my little rant slash summery of the weekend. even though you probably didn't. haha i just kinda needed to vent and sorry that its probably really bad grammar, bt i was typing it up really fast and I'm not going back through it like i usually do to check thing. lol I'm gonna add some pictures soon so look out for those, but i need to get off now as i said.
Just a girl, living on this planet, or not(:
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Why Hello there... nice to meet you(=
well im not gonna tell you my name, so this can seem to be even a bit more private than it really is, I'm 15 years old, a freshman in highschool, and just trying to figure myself out in this world. No I'm not exactly you Ordinary 15 year old girl either, I have a lot of dreams that I'd like to fulfill sometime(= and I'm working my hardest to get there each and every day, I live a somewhat normal life I'd like to think to which i'd attribute to my parents, My favorite color's pink, and forever & always shall be. My life seems to stay pretty hectic, but I always try to give myself a little time for at night to do what I wish, which is why I've decided to come here today, to give myself a place to vent, a place to just let go and be myself, a place to not let anyone judge me, so read if you want, dont if you want. because this is really just the story of an average girl(= living in an average world. well I must go now, my first real blog shall be posted soon I promise but till tomorrow.
A girl on this planet(: