Bonjour, Mademoiselle.
Soo... today! gahh not a good day for me, I'm sitting I'm my room now, trying to not be in such a bad mood but its not working at the moment, so I cant exactly promise you that this is gonna be a good blog. but i thought i should post an actual one, and i don't have anything better to do at the moment.
gahhh but hmm lets start with Friday, so I went to school like normal, um it wasn't bad, but we had to learn about CPR and stuff in health which was pretty much awkward, we had to give mouth to mouth to these manikins, with everyone watching us, and of course I have like the MOST immature guys in my class. so yeah that was just great, not much else happened at school that day, it was pretty much normal, haha
okk then Friday night my parents decided they were gonna move the rest of our stuff form our old house to our new house so they dumped me and my sister off at my friends house for the weekend which is where I just got back from, gahhh it was just annoying because there like health food people, who do yoga all the time and stuff, and I love My firend, shes one of my best friends since I was like 4, but I'm really picky so I barely ate anything while I was there, and then they'd make me do yoga. which kinda sucked but whatever. we made cookies and stuff and it was fun for the most part, idk the only part that really annoyed me was that, my friends mom's boyfriends kids where there (sounds confusing but its not) and yeah they were little and loud and annoying, and i ended up having to babysit sometimes for the 2 year old, and it was just tiring, i LOVE kids, idk i just wasn't in the mood i guess.
So Saturday.... hmm I woke up at like 10:00 had breakfast and then I went to an audition for this camp that i REALLY want to go to, its a drama camp in new york that's audition only, and they came to my town to hold auditions and i really want to go this summer, so hopefully I'll get in to that, but i wont know for a week, like a bunch of my friends are trying to go and it wold be amazing if i could go with all of them. but yeahh as i just said i wont know for a week, and then if i get in i have to make my parents pay for it, because its really expensive sadly. but i think i can get around that.
okk now today (Sunday) so i woke up and my friend had like already left, to go to this church thing with her friend Nikki, which kinda pissed me off, but whatever so i played on my computer and on Wii for a couple hours until they took me home an that's where i am now. idk i didn't mind being there, but I'm just one of those people that gets sick of people easily and i cant spend all my time with the same people for too long, or i get annoyed even if i love the people.
but yeah ok the reason im pissed off right now, is because my laptop just like broke, like two of the keys fell off randomly, and idk if its still under warranty, and i DONT want to pay for a new key-bored, at all! and its like hard to type now, which makes me mad. gahh yeah a stupid reason, i know. its other stuff too, but i don't feel like explaining right now. maybe another day. and another blog post. but idk im already not in a good mood, and i dont want to do my stupid english homework even though its like almost midnight and its due tomorrow. so yeah i should probably sign off now considering i've barely started my english, and i should of finished it like the other day.
gahhh okk well i hope you enjoyed my little rant slash summery of the weekend. even though you probably didn't. haha i just kinda needed to vent and sorry that its probably really bad grammar, bt i was typing it up really fast and I'm not going back through it like i usually do to check thing. lol I'm gonna add some pictures soon so look out for those, but i need to get off now as i said.
Just a girl, living on this planet, or not(:
My BFF's dad's house is like that. He is a nature dude who loves going on hikes and eating gluten-free healthy stuff when he doesn't need to. He also harrassed me for wearing a fashionable coat. Just thought I'd tell you that. And don't worry, I'm also a picky eater. :)