Hey girlfrienddd(:
Whats up? Ohh that’s great! Yeah im good, havent talked to you in foreverrr!
Picture of the day: just a picture of the most epic chocolate cake ever(: lol me and my friend shared it and it was amazinggg. we had it when we were in the mountains last weekend(:
Quote of the day:
"There will always be a "lie" in be(lie)ve
an “over” in l(over) an
“end” in fri(end)s
an “us” in tr(us)t
and an “if” in l(if)e,
but thats what makes it life."
Mood: Tired, Upset, confused, all around just blahhhh.
Started Thursday May 6th 2010(: forgot time sorry. it was like right before i went to bed.
Blahhh well that was annoying. Haha I'm bored if you cant tell already… you probably can. But you know whatever. So I don’t feel like making this a normal post idk why, I think im just to lazy at the moment, but I might come back in later and make it fit my normal format… maybe. So yeah anyways a million of things have happened to me since the last time I posted, I don’t even know what to say, I mean most of it was just normal I guess, but there were some out of the ordinary points to my life too.
So ummm I finished EXAMS!!! And now I only have 13 days of actual school left I believe. Not including state testing, or the last week of school where we do random things(: lol but yeah pretty excited!!! ALMOST SUMMER! I can feel it coming closer, and the pool opens this month…gahh I want summer sooo bad. Summer 10' has to be amazing, it just has to be(: I can just feel that it'll be different than every other summer(: I just bought a few new swimsuits the other day, and now there like haunting me, because i cant use them. blahhh like some people i know's pools opened today, but of course, mine doesnt open until the end of the month... which sucks.
Anyway last weekend I went to the mountains for my friends birthday which was amazingg(: it was six of us, and it was just good because all the stress of exams was over, we didn’t have homework, so we could just have fun and not worry about things(: which I desperately needed! We went to a spa and stuff at her mountain house. Took a million pictures of course(: we went to diner and acted completely stupid, it was like this super nice restaurant, and we all ordered kids meals and colored Winny the poo coloring sheets at the table(: haha oh how I love being 15(: im just soo mature.
Its crazy to think that freshman year's almost over, about a month, and then its gone. Idk maybe its just me, but lately life just seems like its going by really fast. I don’t know if I like it either. I'm one of those people who tries to live in the moment but its like one second I'm thinking about the future and the next, it is the future and then next. Everything I was looking forward to, or dreading is already over. Which I guess just kinda scares me in a way. Like soon enough I'm gonna be going to college. Maybe it’s just me to, but that seems like the scariest thing right now. But I guess I felt the same way about high school too, before I got here. Gosh I'm rambling on a lot.
Anyways we went to the mountains and then came back Sunday, I caught up on V and Glee (my favorite TV shows of the moment) and then Monday it was back to school, we really haven't done all that much this week in school, even though we have a few tests coming up. I got my grades back from exams today, and there mostly fine. None of my grades changed to much, and I have all A's and B's, well except French, but yeah that’s another story, its only a C, but honestly I don’t even know how to put into words how much I hate that class. Its like death for me. I would love to learn a new language, I feel like knowledge is power. So its something I really want to do. But for me, it just doesn’t come easily at all.
Well now its Saturday and im not really going anything today(: just sitting here deciding if I should make a vlog or not, listening to miley cyruses new song "I cant be tamed" my god… I don’t even know what to sya about that song to be honest. Like trying to be brittney spears much? Anyways not a lot fo exciting stuff has happened to me lately. I found an amazinggg new frozen yogurt place(: gosh im like in loveee with it, you don’t even understand its soooo good(: ohh and I just got a Mitchel Davis shirt that I ordered online last week(: gahhh I freaking lovee it(: so cool, I wore it to school yesterday, and its kind aon the big side but its still amazing(: if you don’t know who Mitchel Davis is shame on you, but he's this guy on youtube that im in lovee with(: look him up ( www.youtube.com/livelavalive ) he's pretty hilarious(:
I don’t really have much to say, not doing anything this weekend, im still tired from last weekend, and idk I just kinda want to stay home if that makes any sense, which it probably doesn’t, idk sometimes I just don’t feel like hanging out with friends though to be honest. My mom's making us clean and crap this weekend though which suckss): but tomorrows mothers day so I should probably actually listen to her…
Goshh, this is getting really long… I need to update more, so I think im gonna go now(: promise to update soon, this whole not updating thing is really starting to annoy me, but I've been studying for exams, and doing homework, and going out of town, and making more youtube videos lately(: so those are my only little excuses.
Finished Saturday May 8th 2010. 2:28pm
(yeah i stopped in the middle and forgot to finish...haha)
Mood when finished: Tired, Blahhh, not happy not sad, just inbetween.\
Peace out girl scout(:
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