Thursday, March 18, 2010

Once upon a time..

(okkk so i started this a longgg time ago, and then never finished so im just gonna post what i had right now, and then make a new post)

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Jordan, and she created a blog(: and at first she posted all the time, and then she got wayyyy to lazyyy and she barely posted anymore........ yeah thats pretty much the story of my life, i honestly don't even know why i never get on here anymore, but i promise i'll try harder(:

so to the normal stuff now I guess....

Quotes of the day:

"The only guy who deserves you is the one who thinks he doesn't"

"I'm through with these people, and i want new ones"
-the perfect man

"So if your from Africa why are you white?"
"Oh my gos Karen you cant just ask people why there white!"
-Mean Girls

"I wish we could all just get along like we did in middle school... i wish i could bake a cake full of rainbows and smiles, and everyone would eat and be happy...."
"She doesn't even go here!"
"do you go here?"
"no i just have a lot of feelings...."
-Mean girls

"It's like I have ESPN or something, a 5th sense! I can always tell when its going to rain.... well when already its raining!"
-Mean girls

"Where Cady?"
"she went out"
"She's grounded?!?!"
"are they not allowed out when there grounded?"
-mean girls

[[ haha sorry about all the mean girls quotes, but I really want to see that movie right now, I swear its the best quotable movie on the planet, that and the hangover! haha(: ]]

Mood at beginning of blog: relieved, Tired, Calm, Excited, Bored.

Started Thursday March 18th 2010, at 5:22pm

sooooooo.... life! life, life life, life's been good lately i guess, i don't even remember the last time i blogged, I think I was in detention? haha ohh detention, its actually want even that bad, all i did was homework.

Sooooooooo... i have no idea what to say today....
want your bad romance?

haha ummm yeah that was random, but anyways i kinda love that song! pretty shamazing if you ask me, just saying(: haha but yeah anyways new obsessions? Lady Gaga, and Ke$ha, I listen to there music like 24/7 these days, don't even ask, its just something I do. haha

soooooooooo...... so what I am a rockstar, i got my rock moves, and i dont need you guess what, im having more fun, and now that were done, I'm gonna show you tonight! its all right! this is life! and i fool so guess what.....

blahhh that was even more random, but whenever people are like "sooo..." that's what pops into my head. haha my music teacher last year, loveddd that song! loved her, but now I'm at a new school):

okkk so back onto topic, did i ever have a topic? im pretty sure i didn't now that i think about it... but oh well i guess I'll talk about my life lately, and then a summery of all my classes today(: thats usually what i do. so i'll stick with that at least for now(:

and this is where i stopped sorry):

-That random girl

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